Darwinia citriodora
Pressing the leaves of the Darwinia gives a strong lemon scent
Lesser Bottlebrush
Callistemon phoeniceus
Lesser Bottlebrush 1
Callistemon phoeniceus
These trees can grow up to 4 metres and covered in these bright flowers are a great addition to any garden. They flower from October to December
One Sided Bottlebrush
Calothamnus quadrifidus
With a long flowering period from July to December they bring colour to the Winter months. The can grow to 2 metres
Sand Bottlebrush
Beaufortia squarrosa
Sand Bottlebrush 1
Beaufortia squarrosa
This shrub can grow to 2 metres high, with red-orange-yellow flowers appearing from January to May
Sticky Starflower
Calytrix variabilis
These shrubs will flower from July to December growing to about 1 metre covered in pink/mauve blooms